All Relationships Evangelism Uncategorized Sermon Lifestyle Faith Love Holy Spirit Generosity Prayer Trust Salvation Truth Hope FOLLOW MEJanuary 12, 2025Lifestyle,Faith,Trust THY STRENGTH FOR THY DAYSJanuary 7, 2025Uncategorized,Faith,Trust,Hope THE GIFT OF CHRISTMASDecember 18, 2024Lifestyle,Salvation,Truth,Hope THE PROMISE OF CHRISTMASDecember 10, 2024Faith,Salvation,Hope GO AND MAKE DISCIPLESDecember 2, 2024Lifestyle,Salvation,Evangelism THE HOLY SPIRIT YEARNS – TO BE TRUSTEDNovember 26, 2024Faith,Holy Spirit,Prayer,Trust THE HOLY SPIRIT YEARNS – TO BE EMBRACEDNovember 19, 2024Holy Spirit,Prayer,Salvation THE HOLY SPIRIT YEARNS – TO CONVICT THE WORLDNovember 10, 2024Holy Spirit,Prayer,Salvation THE HOLY SPIRIT YEARNS – TO BE KNOWNNovember 4, 2024Holy Spirit WALKING WITH GODOctober 29, 2024Lifestyle,Holy Spirit,Salvation,Truth FAN THE FLAMEOctober 20, 2024Lifestyle,Holy Spirit,Prayer FOLLOW ME AS I FOLLOW CHRISTOctober 15, 2024Lifestyle,Relationships THE SLIPPERY GROUNDOctober 8, 2024Sermon,Lifestyle,Love,Truth THE CHURCH GOD BLESSESSeptember 23, 2024Lifestyle,Faith,Love,Hope SOLITUDE AND SILENCESeptember 15, 2024Lifestyle,Prayer,Truth SACRIFICESeptember 8, 2024Lifestyle,Faith,Trust,Truth FOLLOWING IN THE FOGSeptember 1, 2024Faith,Trust,Hope,Relationships GETHSEMANE – FROM PRESSING TO PURPOSEAugust 27, 2024Faith,Prayer,Trust,Hope DIVINE DESPERATIONAugust 19, 2024Faith,Prayer,Trust,Hope CONNECT GROUPSAugust 11, 2024Lifestyle,Truth,Relationships HOLY COMMUNIONAugust 6, 2024Lifestyle,Faith,Truth HOLY HUNGERJuly 30, 2024Holy Spirit,Prayer THERE IS HOPEJuly 21, 2024Salvation,Truth,Hope THE PROMISES OF THE GOD WHO CAN’TJuly 14, 2024Faith,Prayer,Trust,Truth THE GOD WHO CAN’TJuly 9, 2024Love,Trust,Salvation,Hope DISCIPLEJuly 1, 2024Lifestyle,Prayer,Salvation,Relationships OVERCOMING YOUR GIANTSJune 25, 2024Uncategorized,Faith,Prayer,Trust,Hope A GODLY FATHERJune 16, 2024Lifestyle,Love,Relationships LOVE THE LORD YOUR GODJune 11, 2024Lifestyle,Faith,Love,Salvation,Truth HE RESTORES MY SOUL IIJune 2, 2024Uncategorized,Lifestyle,Faith,Truth,Hope HE RESTORES MY SOULMay 28, 2024Lifestyle,Prayer,Hope THE BREATH OF GODMay 19, 2024Holy Spirit WITHOUT REGRETSMay 12, 2024Love,Prayer,Trust,Relationships WARNING SIGNS – IIApril 30, 2024Lifestyle,Salvation,Truth,Relationships WARNING SIGNS – IApril 23, 2024Love,Salvation,Relationships BELIEVE IT OR NOT…April 16, 2024Uncategorized,Faith,Trust,Truth,Hope THE POWER OR ANOINTINGApril 9, 2024Faith,Holy Spirit,Prayer FROM DEATH TO LIFE – THE PROMISE OF THE EMPTY TOMBApril 2, 2024Salvation,Truth,Hope FROM DEATH TO LIFE – THE POWER OF THE CROSSApril 1, 2024Love,Salvation,Truth,Hope THE CALLMarch 26, 2024Faith,Relationships,Evangelism STOP CHASING EASY IVMarch 19, 2024Lifestyle,Faith,RelationshipsFaith,Love,Unity STOP CHASING EASY IIIMarch 12, 2024Lifestyle STOP CHASING EASY IIMarch 5, 2024Lifestyle,Love,Truth STOP CHASING EASY IFebruary 27, 2024Lifestyle,Faith ALTAR IIIFebruary 6, 2024Prayer,Hope ALTAR IIJanuary 30, 2024Sermon,Prayer ALTAR IJanuary 23, 2024Lifestyle,Prayer GREATER II-PURSUING IMMEASURABLY MOREJanuary 16, 2024Lifestyle,Truth GREATER-PURSUING IMMEASURABLY MOREJanuary 10, 2024Faith,Trust,Hope JESUSJanuary 2, 2024Truth CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICEDecember 24, 2023Truth,Hope THE BLESSED LIFE IV- REAPING & RELEASINGDecember 12, 2023Lifestyle,Truth THE BLESSED LIFE III-THE THIEF, THE TEST & THE TRUTHDecember 5, 2023Sermon,Lifestyle,Generosity,Truth THE BLESSED LIFE II- A GENEROUS HEARTNovember 28, 2023Lifestyle,Love,Generosity,Truth THE BLESSED LIFE I -IT’S ALL ABOUT THE HEARTNovember 21, 2023Lifestyle,Generosity,Truth THE JOURNEY TO BELIEFNovember 7, 2023Lifestyle,Faith,Salvation,Truth EMBRACE THE CROSSNovember 7, 2023Lifestyle,Faith,Truth WHY FUTURE GENERATIONS?October 31, 2023Lifestyle,Faith,Evangelism THIS IS US-GoOctober 24, 2023Lifestyle,Faith,Truth,Evangelism THIS IS US- ServeOctober 17, 2023Lifestyle THIS IS US-GrowOctober 10, 2023Lifestyle,Faith THIS IS US-ConnectOctober 3, 2023Lifestyle,Love,Relationships Whisper IVSeptember 26, 2023Lifestyle,Prayer WHISPER IIISeptember 18, 2023Lifestyle,Prayer WHISPER IISeptember 12, 2023Lifestyle,Prayer WHISPERSeptember 5, 2023Holy Spirit,Prayer WELCOME BACK TO PST.JIMMY & PRISCILLIA ABRAMSAugust 28, 2023Love,Relationships,Evangelism GREATNESSAugust 22, 2023Love,Salvation DEEPLY FORMED VAugust 17, 2023Lifestyle,Trust DEEPLY FORMED IVAugust 8, 2023Lifestyle DEEPLY FORMED IIIAugust 1, 2023Lifestyle,Relationships DEEPLY FORMED IIJuly 25, 2023Relationships DEEPLY FORMEDJuly 18, 2023Lifestyle,Prayer THE COMMAND TO REPRODUCEJuly 11, 2023Evangelism GOD IS INTENTIONAL & DELIBERATEJuly 4, 2023Trust LEARNING THE HARD WAYJune 28, 2023Lifestyle,Trust THE DIVINE CALLING OF FATHERHOODJune 20, 2023Lifestyle,Relationships A TALE OF 3 DOUBTERSJune 13, 2023Faith DARING TO BE DIFFERENTJune 4, 2023Faith Pentecost SundayMay 30, 2023Holy Spirit THE POWER OF A MOTHER’S FAITHMay 17, 2023Faith LEARNING TO LOVE PEOPLE IN A RIGHT WAYMay 9, 2023Love PETITIONING GOD FOR OUR NEEDSMay 2, 2023Prayer ONE SMALL STEP | FX SUNDAYApril 25, 2023Prayer TAKING GOD AS YOUR PARTNERApril 16, 2023Prayer THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RESURRECTIONApril 11, 2023Salvation THE GREATEST TRAGEDY IN THE WORLDApril 4, 2023Faith,Love,Salvation DON’T WORRY, GOD’S GOT YOU!March 28, 2023Faith DO YOU KNOW THE TRUTH?March 19, 2023Holy Spirit,Truth The seed and the soilMarch 14, 2023Faith,Prayer,Truth Being an extravagant giverMarch 5, 2023Generosity Giving with a generous heartFebruary 28, 2023Generosity How to respond to the goodness of GodFebruary 19, 2023Faith,Prayer Get in on the actionFebruary 12, 2023Faith,Love,Prayer Church As It’s Meant To BeFebruary 5, 2023Love Church as it’s meant to be IVJanuary 29, 2023Love,Prayer Church as it’s meant to be IIIJanuary 22, 2023Love,Salvation Church as it’s meant to be IIJanuary 15, 2023Love,Prayer Church as it’s Meant to beJanuary 8, 2023Love,Prayer Give Careful Thoughts to Your PrioritiesJanuary 1, 2023Faith,Holy Spirit,Prayer,Truth A Thrill Of HopeDecember 21, 2022Holy Spirit,Hope Let it Be According To Your WillDecember 14, 2022Trust The Dream And The DreamerDecember 7, 2022Lifestyle,Faith,Prayer A Call to Praise and Thank The LordNovember 30, 2022Prayer Trust The Good ShepherdNovember 23, 2022Trust Facing The Realities Of LifeNovember 16, 2022Faith,Trust,Truth Don’t forget to say thank youNovember 9, 2022Lifestyle,Love HeavenNovember 2, 2022Lifestyle The JourneyOctober 26, 2022Trust,Hope Final DestinationOctober 19, 2022Salvation,Hope The Grand GraduationOctober 12, 2022Salvation,Hope Let’s talk about it VOctober 6, 2022Lifestyle,Relationships Let’s talk about it IVOctober 6, 2022Lifestyle,Relationships Let’s talk about it IIISeptember 21, 2022Lifestyle,Relationships Let’s talk about it IISeptember 14, 2022Lifestyle,Truth Let’s talk about itSeptember 7, 2022Lifestyle,Truth,Relationships Living by Faith VAugust 28, 2022Faith Living by Faith IVAugust 23, 2022Faith,Prayer,Trust Living by Faith IIIAugust 14, 2022Faith Living By Faith IIAugust 7, 2022Faith,Prayer,Trust Living By FaithAugust 1, 2022Faith,Trust Christ Jesus Came to Save SinnersJuly 24, 2022Faith,Love,Salvation Your Response MattersJuly 17, 2022Love,Salvation CovenantJuly 10, 2022Faith Jesus IsJuly 3, 2022Salvation,Truth The Holy Spirit and BaptismJune 28, 2022Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit & EvangalismJune 19, 2022Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit & PowerJune 12, 2022Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit &June 5, 2022Holy Spirit Be a better exampleMay 28, 2022Lifestyle Are you advancing the Church?May 22, 2022Love,Generosity,Prayer Advance: Becoming the ChurchMay 15, 2022Lifestyle,Salvation Go Therefore and Mother DisciplesMay 8, 2022Salvation,Truth Advance: ServingApril 27, 2022Lifestyle,Generosity Easter: The impact of Christ’s resurrectionApril 17, 2022Salvation Advance: Growing as a christianApril 10, 2022Lifestyle,Prayer Advance: Connect to JesusApril 3, 2022Generosity,Salvation,Truth Advance: The best is yet to comeMarch 27, 2022Faith,Generosity,Trust Investment For EternityMarch 20, 2022Generosity GenerosityMarch 13, 2022Generosity Created To Be OfferedMarch 6, 2022Generosity,Salvation